'info': { ... }, // the original decoded JSON as is
'id': '12345-67890:09876/54321', // string trade id
'timestamp': 1502962946216, // Unix timestamp in milliseconds
'datetime': '2017-08-17 12:42:48.000', // ISO8601 datetime with milliseconds
'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', // symbol
'order': '12345-67890:09876/54321', // string order id or undefined/None/null
'type': 'limit', // order type, 'market', 'limit' or undefined/None/null
'side': 'buy', // direction of the trade, 'buy' or 'sell'
'takerOrMaker': 'taker', // string, 'taker' or 'maker'
'price': 0.06917684, // float price in quote currency
'amount': 1.5, // amount of base currency
'cost': 0.10376526, // total cost (including fees), `price * amount`
'fee': { // provided by exchange or calculated by ccxt
'cost': 0.0015, // float
'currency': 'ETH', // usually base currency for buys, quote currency for sells
'rate': 0.002, // the fee rate (if available)
- fee:手续费部分的处理目前还在进行中,可能缺失信息甚至没有
- fee currency:手续费货币可能不同于所交易的货币,例如,一个 ETH/BTC委托单的手续费采用USD支付
- cost:交易总花费 = amount * price,这是一个方便字段,可以利用其他字段计算得出。